Sunday, May 31, 2009
The end of capitalism and other intellectual confusions
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The rationality of not voting in Mexico
Economists have long argued that voter ignorance is a predictable response to the fact that one vote does not matter to the ultimate election outcome. Why spend time getting information about the issues if my vote cannot alter the outcome? A vote has so small a probability of changing the electoral outcome that a realistic egoist pays no attention to politics, he chooses to be rationally ignorant. This type of ignorance means voters going to the polls without valuable information about the different choices they have, thus voting for the choices they naively believe to be better. In the face of this rational ignorance, the issue is then to explain the decision- making process of a non voter.
As in the specific case of Mexican politics, international pundits often blame citizens´apathy on the elections´exceptionally insipid candidates. According to economist Bryan Caplan, "deeper thinkers, who notice that apathy persists year after year, blame voters´ ignorance on lack of democracy itself". Robert Kuttner spells out one version of the story: "The essence of political democracy has eroded, as voting and face to face politics give way to campaign-finance plutocracy... there is a direct connection between the domination of politics by special interest money, paid attack ads, strategies driven by polling and focus groups -and the desertion of citizens."
Such aspects outlined above may well be the cause of the anticipated apathy of Mexican voters this year. There is a general perception in the population that parties and candidates have failed in fulfilling campaign promises in the past; there is also a bitter war between the ruling party (PAN) and the main opposition party (PRI), the former accusing the later of having negotiated with drug cartels in the past, and the later accusing the former of not having experience and wisdom to govern; plus, the leftist party (PRD) is engaged in an internal war over the control of the party and the public funding. To these ingredients we have to add a deep economic crisis -a contraction of 7 percent of the GDP in the first three months of 2009, plus the effects of the epidemic emergency due to the Influenza virus that caused a further .5 percent contraction of the GDP. Within this context, unfortunately not a single party or candidate seem to have clear and straightforward proposals to solve the most pressing problems.
Using the theoretical framework developed by George Akerlof and Robert Shiller in their Animal Spirits book, one can argue that the reason people go to the polls at all is not policy or economic rationality but rather the irrational impulse of confidence. According to the authors, confidence -implying behavior that goes beyond a rational approach to decision-making- plays a mayor role in macroeconomics. I argue that the very same impacts of confidence can be applied in voting behavior. At the level of the macroeconomy, in the aggregate, confidence comes and goes. Sometimes it is justified, sometimes it is not.
In terms of confidence and voting behavior Mexico is in a political recession. The lack of trust in the political system is creating a lack-of-confidence multiplier. I mean, people will not vote because they know so many people that have decided not to do so. The difference between an economic and a political recession is that in the former we have developed many policy tools to overcome the problem, such as Keynesian counter-cyclical measures based on public expending. However, in the later case it is not clear how our country will restore the confidence in the political institutions, or more important, how long will it take to rebuild the lost trust. A general notion in social psychology is that when trust is lost, it is highly difficult to restore. The historically high percentage of voting apathy projected for this election is perhaps sending the message that the political system is on the verge of collapse; perhaps our country needs shock therapy in the redesign of our political institutions.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Influenza A-H1N1 in Mexico, back to normality?
On May 4th, the Mexican government announced the lift of the measures it took last Thursday to contain the spread of the AH1N1, the virus that has disrupted the world, especially Mexico City, and that has brought painful memories of the Spanish Flu of 1918 (50m-100m people died from the flu that year). Starting on May 6th, restaurants, bars and other places in which people gather will be re-open in Mexico. This measure seems to be adequate since the number of people infected and the mortality rate have significantly diminished since May 1st, and since the economic costs of the ban have been enormous. The Mexican Treasury Minister estimates an additional contraction of .5% of the GDP due to the epidemic emergency; only in Mexico City the economic lost in the past few days is estimated in around 1 billion (USD).
In the midst of this emergency, what seems odd and to some extent irresponsible is the government announcement that all secondary and tertiary school students will be back in the classroom on May 7th, and that all nursery and elementary school children will return on May 11th. This measure can only reflect two scenarios; a) the government overreacted to and exaggerated the Influenza emergency, and is accepting a false alarm, or b) the government is acting irresponsibly by sending back more than 30m students to crowded classrooms and to some thousand elementary schools that have no drainage, water and soap. According to a study conducted by the National Agency for the Evaluation of Education (INEE) in 2007, 50 per cent of all elementary schools (around 50 thousand) have serious problems of maintenance and general infrastructure, including lack of basic materials for keeping hygiene.
In the event of an epidemic, schools are perhaps the places in which contagion is more common and can grow exponentially, that is precisely why on April 23, schools were the first places that Mexican government closed in order to contain the potential pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) has released statistical data that reveals that most of the cases of contagion from A- H1N1 around the world are in young people, especially people in their 20´s. In the scenario that Mexican authorities did not overreact to and exaggerate the Influenza treat, this information from the WHO should be enough to have authorities rethink the decision of opening all schools within a week.
The education system is strategic for any nation and should be their first priority, however, the long term nature of schooling allows for the system to catch up rapidly in the event of the interruption of classes. Therefore, keeping schools, or at least classrooms closed for a couple of more weeks should not seriously disrupt the academic calendar, especially in secondary schools and universities, were the majority of students have access to academic material online and can study at home.
One additional problem is that of absenteeism. After a national emergency situation declared by government, it will not be easy to convince families and students that schools are now safe places (only two weeks after the imminent pandemic). Hence, the education authorities face a dilemma, are they going to punish the students that decide not to attend? If they do so, they are punishing people that still believe there is an emergency situation, following the government´s advice of the last two weeks. If they do not punish those who are absent, what is the incentive for those that took the risk to attend school?
In short, lifting the ban on general economic activity in Mexico is a necessary measure due to an elemental cost-benefit analysis. Since the incidence of infection has clearly diminished and nobody has died from Influenza A-H1N1 in the past five days in Mexico City, and taking into account the enormous impact that the disease has already caused in the present and future economic activity, it is only rational to start producing again –with all the precautions and special hygiene measures.
However, in the case of schools and universities, given that such places are natural arenas for disease contagion, it is not understandable that government lifts the suspension of classes within a week. The only reason that this measure may in fact be the correct one, is that the epidemic was overstated and exaggerated in the first place.
Monday, May 4, 2009
David Brooks on the process of becoming a genius
David Brooks, in his today OpEd from the NYTimes challenges the notion that genius is a given trait, something people are born with. He claims, with reason, that great talent is not a magic spark. In fact, according to scientific evidence DNA is not enough to be a genius, it´s the practice, stupid!
Genius: The Modern View
Some people live in romantic ages. They tend to believe that genius is the product of a divine spark. They believe that there have been, throughout the ages, certain paragons of greatness — Dante, Mozart, Einstein — whose talents far exceeded normal comprehension, who had an other-worldly access to transcendent truth, and who are best approached with reverential awe.
We, of course, live in a scientific age, and modern research pierces hocus-pocus. In the view that is now dominant, even Mozart’s early abilities were not the product of some innate spiritual gift. His early compositions were nothing special. They were pastiches of other people’s work. Mozart was a good musician at an early age, but he would not stand out among today’s top child-performers.
What Mozart had, we now believe, was the same thing Tiger Woods had — the ability to focus for long periods of time and a father intent on improving his skills. Mozart played a lot of piano at a very young age, so he got his 10,000 hours of practice in early and then he built from there.
The latest research suggests a more prosaic, democratic, even puritanical view of the world. The key factor separating geniuses from the merely accomplished is not a divine spark. It’s not I.Q., a generally bad predictor of success, even in realms like chess. Instead, it’s deliberate practice. Top performers spend more hours (many more hours) rigorously practicing their craft.
The recent research has been conducted by people like K. Anders Ericsson, the late Benjamin Bloom and others. It’s been summarized in two enjoyable new books: “The Talent Code” by Daniel Coyle; and “Talent Is Overrated” by Geoff Colvin.
If you wanted to picture how a typical genius might develop, you’d take a girl who possessed a slightly above average verbal ability. It wouldn’t have to be a big talent, just enough so that she might gain some sense of distinction. Then you would want her to meet, say, a novelist, who coincidentally shared some similar biographical traits. Maybe the writer was from the same town, had the same ethnic background, or, shared the same birthday — anything to create a sense of affinity.
This contact would give the girl a vision of her future self. It would, Coyle emphasizes, give her a glimpse of an enchanted circle she might someday join. It would also help if one of her parents died when she was 12, infusing her with a profound sense of insecurity and fueling a desperate need for success.
Armed with this ambition, she would read novels and literary biographies without end. This would give her a core knowledge of her field. She’d be able to chunk Victorian novelists into one group, Magical Realists in another group and Renaissance poets into another. This ability to place information into patterns, or chunks, vastly improves memory skills. She’d be able to see new writing in deeper ways and quickly perceive its inner workings.
Then she would practice writing. Her practice would be slow, painstaking and error-focused. According to Colvin, Ben Franklin would take essays from The Spectator magazine and translate them into verse. Then he’d translate his verse back into prose and examine, sentence by sentence, where his essay was inferior to The Spectator’s original.
Coyle describes a tennis academy in Russia where they enact rallies without a ball. The aim is to focus meticulously on technique. (Try to slow down your golf swing so it takes 90 seconds to finish. See how many errors you detect.)
By practicing in this way, performers delay the automatizing process. The mind wants to turn deliberate, newly learned skills into unconscious, automatically performed skills. But the mind is sloppy and will settle for good enough. By practicing slowly, by breaking skills down into tiny parts and repeating, the strenuous student forces the brain to internalize a better pattern of performance.
Then our young writer would find a mentor who would provide a constant stream of feedback, viewing her performance from the outside, correcting the smallest errors, pushing her to take on tougher challenges. By now she is redoing problems — how do I get characters into a room — dozens and dozens of times. She is ingraining habits of thought she can call upon in order to understand or solve future problems.
The primary trait she possesses is not some mysterious genius. It’s the ability to develop a deliberate, strenuous and boring practice routine.
Coyle and Colvin describe dozens of experiments fleshing out this process. This research takes some of the magic out of great achievement. But it underlines a fact that is often neglected. Public discussion is smitten by genetics and what we’re “hard-wired” to do. And it’s true that genes place a leash on our capacities. But the brain is also phenomenally plastic. We construct ourselves through behavior. As Coyle observes, it’s not who you are, it’s what you do.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Economist on the "Bologna process"
Bolognese sauce
Apr 23rd 2009
WHEN European education ministers met in Bologna in 1999 and promised within a decade to forge a common market for universities, it seemed mere Euro-rhetoric. Big obstacles stopped students nipping abroad for a term, or getting degrees recognised. Many countries offered no degree below Masters level. Some examined course modules separately, others all in one go. Under the Erasmus programme many students travelled to other European countries for between a term and a year—but they often found their universities reluctant to give them credit for it.
Yet on April 28th no fewer than 46 European education ministers—from the European Union and 19 other countries, including Russia and Turkey—will gather in another ancient university city, Leuven, to declare the “Bologna process” a triumph. A “European credit-transfer system” is on its way; next year will bring a “European higher education area”. There will be a standardised “diploma supplement” giving details of what students have learnt. And three-year Bachelors degrees followed by two-year Masters are now the general rule, with few exceptions.
“The big surprise was that the Bologna process worked at all,” says Jean-Marc Rapp, president of the European University Association. Bologna is neither an inter-governmental treaty nor an EU law. He credits the eastern European countries that joined Bologna in 1999 for some of the success. Their governments were itching to reform communist-era universities and delighted to have a template for it—and their students were wild to travel.
Another reason why some governments embraced Bologna was to give cover for reforms they wanted anyway. Shorter, more work-related degrees appealed to the Germans, keen to stop students hanging on for years at taxpayers’ expense. In France, changes to university financing have been called “Bologna”. In Spain “Bologna” is the excuse for introducing fees for Masters degrees.
Many students now anathematise “Bologna” as a capitalist plot. They plan protests in Leuven; already, students have taken to the streets in France, Italy, Spain and Greece. The resemblance to the Anglo-American system, plus Bologna’s emphasis on graduate employability, are big grievances. Some academics fret that the secret aim is to privatise universities. Bologna’s endorsement of more autonomy could lead (horrors!) to more freedom for universities in hiring, promotion and pay.
Europe is littered with historic universities (Bologna is the oldest, founded in 1088). But the paucity of European institutions and the ubiquity of American ones at the top of international league tables are a constant reminder of the gap between glorious past and mediocre present. For believers, Bologna shows the way to a future that will be glorious once more.
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Yet this vision of self-governing universities, footloose students and job-ready graduates omits one big reason for European universities’ decline: money. In America, the gap between what governments pay and what universities need is made up privately, mainly by tuition fees. In most of Europe students pay nothing. Even in England, tuition fees are capped by the government at low levels.
Europe’s universities have seen funding per student fall behind wage inflation by 1-2% a year over three decades. America devotes far more of its GDP to higher education (see chart). Bruegel, a Brussels-based think-tank, finds that universities carrying out top-class research and leading league tables have both more autonomy and more money. If Europe delivers only one of these, it may not be enough.